What you need to do to enable Google Voice Search on your PC

 If you have an Android-powered smartphone or the Google application to search on an iOS device, you've likely been enthralled by the voice search feature of Google. It's incredibly effective. You might not be aware of the possibility of having the same experience with your personal computer. All you require is the Google Chrome browser. This is all you require, as it has been discovered that Voice Search is built right into it. Go to Google.com and click the microphone icon located on the right of the search box. (Needless to say, this method works only on computers with an audio device. Most laptops do, but most desktops don't, unless they have a webcam.)It's also available on Google Maps, though it does not extend to other Google properties such as Calendar, Gmail, and YouTube. I can't say that this is precisely as awesome as the app version since it doesn't translate your words precisely as you're speaking them, but the result is similar to the app version

Do you know how to optimize your content for Google Voice Search?

Suppose you're a marketer, journalist, or journalist; this helpful checklist is beneficial. Optimize your content for voice search. Begin with our five-step checklist.

1. Answer questions (and do it correctly).

 Many voice searches are based on questions that begin with the 5W and H (if you're not able to recall your school days, they're Who What, What, When Where, Why, and How).

Typically, the answers to questions that begin with Who, What, When, and Where is an informational piece that is easily separated from the rest, which is the reason Google or Intelligent Agents tend to answer these kinds of questions by providing instant responses. The ability to own or be selected as an instant answer is a valuable strategic asset (the "Rank Zero" scenario). 

2. Make sure your content is easy to read

Organize the content on your webpage by using captions, bullet points, tables, and other highlights that will assist readers in understanding the information that you have on the page. Remember that users will glance at a web page before reading it. A well-organized layout of your content will assist your readers and give them an incentive to spend time reading your content.

4.Optimize for local search and mobile 

The majority of the time, the voice search is conducted on mobile devices. Be aware of this and remember that an optimized mobile site is vital for SEO. Let's go a step further and consider how proximity can impact the value of your information. If you have a local activity, you probably do: Think about how your goods or services could benefit those around you, and then structure your content to reflect that. Please take note of the needs of the people walking close to your office, and provide them with helpful information about your company.

5. Add schema.org markup

Schema.org markup allows you to provide an understanding of your content. You could use it to clarify the relationships between information contained within your content, clarify the terms you use, and give the structure of your web pages. When you use schema.org markup, you're communicating with machines using semantics, not keywords. You help machines determine the context surrounding information, transforming it into valuable results for human beings. Word Lift creates a knowledge graph and adds Schema.org marking to the content you publish. This is one of the

 Strengths of our plugin.

6. Make everyday language part of your vocabulary.

Do you think the ordinary people in their communication with their virtual assistants use complicated hyper-specialized, hyper-specialized terms? Wrong! Most likely, they will use the language of everyday life or even slang to ask queries. So, more than ever, be aware of that KISS concept: " Keep it simple, dumb!". Find out what people who have no idea or no information about the subject you're writing about do, after which you can write about it for them.

Einstein used to quote: " If you cannot explain it in a simple way, then you don't know it well sufficient."

What is the most common way people use Google Voice Search?

Within this information graphic, you'll get a wealth of information about how people use voice-based assistants. In a glance, you'll find the commands that are most frequently used, which generations perform different tasks with these tools, how to use virtual assistants to make them more efficient, and the strengths and weaknesses and differences between the most popular options.

Additionally to this, in this article, based on data from Google, you will learn why people are using smart speakers, how it affects the way they shop and consume online, and what type of connection people feel with smart speakers.

How Does Voice Search Impact App Development?

We explain What you need to do to enable Google Voice Search on your PC, so you are clear about Do you know how to optimize your content for Google Voice Search? Like Answer questions (and do it correctly), Make sure your content is easy to read, Optimize for local search and mobile, Add schema.org markup, Make everyday language part of your vocabulary, and do you know you can also make a voice search app and voice app like Google voice search and Google voice app all those apps can be based on artificial intelligence (AI) our company can help you to make or build own voice app and voice search app for better experiences for mobile app development for voice search and voice apps.


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